General Assembly 1 (kick-off meeting)

Joint session of CRESCENDO and PRIMAVERA kick-off meetings

Tuesday 24 November 2015 to Thursday 26 November 2015 Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom Joint kick-off meetings of CRESCENDO and PRIMAVERA
Projects split into separate meetings from Wednesday afternoon

Tuesday 24 November afternoon

13.00 Welcome and opening remarks – Julia Slingo, Met Office
13.10 Introductions and scene setting for joint session – Malcolm Roberts, Met Office, and Colin Jones, Leeds University, Project Coordinators
13.25 From AR5 towards AR6: Modelling priorities – John Mitchell, Met Office
13.50 WCRP priorities for Earth system modeling – Guy Brasseur, WCRP
14.15 EU Horizon 2020: climate science from research to policy – Anastasios Kentarchos, EC (Deputy Head “I4 - Climate Action and Earth Observations”)
14.40 Coordination and support of European climate-related activities – Julia Slingo, Met Office
15.00 Coffee
15.30 European HPC for CMIP6 and beyond – Sylvie Joussaume, IPSL
15.55 COPERNICUS climate change services – Dick Dee, ECMWF
16.20 CMIP6 overview and CMIP6-endorsed MIPs – Veronika Eyring, DLR
16.45 Towards community-based analysis of the CMIP DECK experiments – Peter Gleckler, PCMDI
17.05 Using Observations to understand/evaluate models – Graeme Stephens, NASA-JPL

Wednesday 25 November morning

9.00 Earth system/climate modelling activities in North America – Bill Large, NCAR
9.30 Earth system/climate modelling activities in Japan – Michio Kawamiya, JAMSTEC
10.00 Overview of project aims and ambitions – Malcolm Roberts, Met Office, and Colin Jones, Leeds University, Project Coordinators
10.30 Discussion and coffee
11.00 Managing our planned integrations and sharing effort/data etc. – Malcolm Roberts, Met Office, and Colin Jones, Leeds University, Project Coordinators
11.30 Dealing with the data – common issues and data exchange – Bryan Lawrence, NCAS / STFC
12.00 Common assessment/evaluation tools and methods –Keith Williams, Met Office, and Axel Lauer, DLR

Wednesday 25 November afternoon

Plenary session on PRIMAVERA research themes

14.00 Discussion of science issues from joint CRESCENDO-PRIMAVERA kick off meeting
14.15 Orientation to this PRIMAVERA meeting and its objectives – Malcolm Roberts and Pier Luigi Vidale
The rest of the day was spent on the project THEMES (as per the DoW) where a 15-minute presentation (prepared by the relevant WP leads) described the aims, WP interactions, dependencies, unknowns, ‘traps’ and desired outcomes.
14.30 THEME 1: innovations and frontiers in modelling – WP3,4,6 lead
15.30 Coffee
16.00 THEME 2: process-based assessment of hi-res models – WP1,2,3 leads
16.30 THEME 3: drivers of European climate variability and change – WP2,5 leads
17.00 THEME 4: flagship simulations for CMIP6 and IPCC – WP6,8,9 leads
17.30 THEME 5: climate risk assessment and user engagement – WP10,11 leads

Thursday 26 November morning

Plenary session on international perspectives

09.00 Successful implementation of Horizon 2020 research and innovation actions – Fabio Dalan, EC
09.20 End user interactions with PRIMAVERA – Marta Bruno Soares, Leeds University
09.40 Overview of project systems and management – Matthew Mizielinski / Paul van der Linden, Met Office
10.10 Panel discussion on international perspectives – 6 key note speakers